import { OK } from '../global';
* A Lambda Callback signals to AWS Lambda that the function has completed
* either successfully or otherwise. It can contain a result body (as a string)
* or throw an [Error object]{@link}.
* @callback lambdaCallback
* @param {null|Error} res - The result of the function being called
* @param {string} [body=""] - A string response payload
* This default base class allows all extending events to inherit common
* functionality.
* @constructor LambdaEvent
export default class {
* A new instance of LambdaEvent
* @param {object} event - The event being received from AWS Lambda. The content of this object is
* determined greatly by the stream it has originated from.
* @param {string} event.Records - The records being processed by this Lambda function.
* @param {object} context - The context of the event being received
* [See here]{@link}
* @param {lambdaCallback} cb - The callback function passed through from Lambda
* @see {@link|Sample DynamoDB Event}
constructor(event, context, cb) {
* The raw event received by Lambda
* @member {Object} LambdaEvent#event
this.event = event;
* The raw context object received by Lambda
* @member {Object} LambdaEvent#context
this.context = context;
* The response object allowing any extending class
* to respond to Cloudformation.
* @member {Function} LambdaEvent#cb
this.cb = cb;
* A Class-wrapper, allowing any class to handle and process events
* in a similar manner, without making assumptions on how the function
* will be executed.
* @function {Function} wrap
* @memberof LambdaEvent
* @static
* @param {Class} Req - the class that will handle the lambda event
* @param {...*} params - Any accompanying params that will be passed into
* the extending classes perform method.
static wrap(Req, ...params) {
return (ev, ctx, fn) => { new Req(ev, ctx, fn).perform(...params); };
perform() {
throw new Error('missing #perform implementation');
respond(status = OK, body = '') {
if (status === OK) {
return this.cb(null, body);
} else {
return this.cb(new Error(`[500] "${body}"`));